Football Season Fun for the Whole Family
3 minute read
August 30, 2018



Summer has flown by, and school has kicked up again, so you know that means football season is here at last. Football camps are in full swing, the preseason merchandise sales are on, and everyone is holding their breath, waiting for that first game of the season. For college football fans, we just hit the first week of the season on August 25! Break out the pom-poms, it’s game time. But what do you do when everyone isn’t as invested in Saturday afternoon football as you are? Whether it’s your kids, your partner, or the dogs, your tailgates and watch parties just aren’t as much fun if someone is complaining, crying, or whining to go outside.

How do you make football season fun for everyone, especially the little ones? We have some suggestions.

1. Gear up and get matching!

From jerseys to mugs, socks to water bottles, everything is better with your school’s logo on it. Camping gear, BBQ stuff, stickers, fanny packs, the list goes on and on, and make sure to capitalize on preseason sales. There’s no better way to get everyone hyped about the game than to dress the whole family in matching gear, from Dad to Fluffy.

2. Stock up on supplies

Shopping for charcoal 30 minutes before kickoff is a recipe for disaster. Make sure you stock up on supplies well before the day of the game, so that you can sit back and relax instead of waiting in line at the grocery store when you’d rather be out by the truck or cozy on the couch. Having all the hot dogs, chips, and beer chilling in the cooler long before you need them means that nobody needs to worry about food fifteen minutes in, and everyone can focus on the game!


3. Get active at halftime

If the crew is getting a little stir-crazy, go throw the football around at halftime. Stage some of your favorite plays from the first half if you’re feeling ambitious, but the main thing is to get up and get moving and stretch those legs. Take the dogs out while you’re at it, so everyone gets a chance to run around. Sitting in camp chairs is great but getting a chance to really feel like part of the action can make a big difference for the smaller folk.

4. Feed the beast with handmade football fare

If you’re feeling extra creative, have the kids help make some fun football-themed treats. Whether you go for a self-serve nacho bar or some fun football-shaped cookie cutters, there’s an endless variety of ways to get the kids involved and excited about making fun treats to eat during the game.

5. Check your equipment

This could come as a no-brainer, but if you’re watching at home, making sure all your electronics are properly set up before the game is a big priority. Replace the batteries in your remote, check all cables, and if you’re going to DVR anything while the game is on, set it up far in advance and double check it beforehand. Avoid technical difficulties before they begin.

Whether you’re getting your kids involved with fun treats or fun pom-poms in team colors, we’re sure that with a little encouragement, game night can become a fun team event for the whole family. In no time, they’ll be absorbed in every interception, touchdown, and field goal.

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