The leaves are changing, the air is turning cold, and Halloween decorations are popping up in every store you visit. It’s fall! This means it’s time for pumpkin spice lattes, Halloween parties, and carving pumpkins. Carving a pumpkin can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing or have any creative ideas on how to do it. We’ve compiled five of our favorite creative ways to carve a pumpkin. Whether you want an easy one that just needs some creativity or something more complex with lots of detailed work, this article will give all the help that any carver could ever need!
5 Creative Ways to Carve a Pumpkin
1. Use a Template
In case you didn’t know, this is how all the pro carvers do it. They print a template to work off on regular printer paper, fasten it to their pumpkin, and trace their design with a pin or other sharp, needle-like device. This pokes through the paper into the pumpkin and, when removed, leaves a perforation in the exact design you want—sizing your template just right when printing is the biggest hurdle you’ll have to jump when using this method. Other than that, it is smooth sailing towards a cute or spooky (or whatever you’d like) carved pumpkin. The best part is that no one ever has to know you used a template.
2. Paint Your Pumpkin
Yes, I know “painting” isn’t “carving,” but when it comes to Halloween decorations, it still counts, right? Either way, painting your pumpkin will give you a fun, longer-lasting pumpkin decoration that is just as celebratory. Painting allows you to employ as many colors as you like in your design, rather than the orange monochrome of carving. And, of course, painting is safer than carving. If you have littles at home that want to participate in fall festivities but aren’t quite old or responsible enough to wield a sharp carving utensil, a paintbrush will be a safe, familiar tool in their hands.
3. Give Your Pumpkin a Costume
Are you a dress-up fanatic? Do you look for any excuse to dress up in costume? Well, channel that energy and put it toward dressing up your pumpkin this year. Grab some googly eyes and gauze and you’re halfway to a mummy pumpkin. Paint it black and add some long black pipe cleaners for a spooky spider. Get ambitious and turn your jack-o-lantern into Jack Sparrow or Jack Skellington! If you have a medium-sized pumpkin, you don’t need much material to craft a masterful work of costume art.
4. Make a Diorama Out of Your Pumpkin
This one is my favorite non-edible use of the gorgeous gourd. Grab your favorite doll, action figure, or stuffed animal and make a diorama inside of the pumpkin. It doesn’t have to be complex; simply find some rocks for ground cover and glue them in place if you need something sturdy. Next, take that same paintbrush I mentioned earlier (or any other craft tool) and create forest scenes with miniature trees and bushes. Do you have a favorite Halloween movie? If you’re feeling resourceful, recreate one of the scenes.
5. Turn Your Pumpkin into a Planter
In addition to delicious food, outdoor activities, and cooler weather, fall also provides some beautiful blooms. Some flowers are still in full bloom, while others are beginning to fall. For example, spider mums and dahlias make for gorgeous pumpkin planters or “boo-quets.”
If you want a pumpkin that provides some decoration when it’s not being used, carve out the top of your pumpkin so it can be turned into a planter. Simply fill with soil and plant fertilizer and pot your favorite fall flowers.
Have a Spooktacular Halloween
From us at Park Place Finance, we hope you have a fun, festive season. Contact us if you need to secure funding for a real estate investment. We help house flippers and real estate investors close fast by providing speedy financing.